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Thursday 13 June 2013

BONUS Scene - Hopeless #1.5

Hopeless #1.5

Who Loves Hopeless by Colleen Hoover??

Hopeless (Hopeless, #1)

Is that a collective "ME" I can hear being shouted through the computer?! Thought So!!

Well Colleen is publishing Losing Hope on the 9th July 2013...

Losing Hope (Hopeless, #2)

Which is not that far away (but still AGES AWAY for us Holder Fanatics!haha) So to keep us all going, she has written Hopeless #1.5 which is That First Kiss in Holder's point of view.

This has been published for a good few months (Since December 2012) but I few people I've spoken to have still not read it (or are aware of its existence). So just to cheer you all up on this Almost-But-Not-Quite-The-Weekend Thursday - here is the link.

So find somewhere quiet, shut off from the world for ten minutes and ENJOY some Holder.

**Note - This features Hopeless spoilers so if you have not read Hopeless yet - give this one a miss! Or just read Hopeless...It's great!!)**

*Hopeless Review*

1 comment:

  1. thank you thank you thank you i couln't find the link
