Well Everyone...After a few months of Reading,
Reviewing, Blogging, Cover Revealing, Author Interviewing and Giveaway Hosting –
I’ve finally hooked up with some AWESOME Ladies and I’m now part of a Group New
Adult Book Blog:
If it wasn’t for Goodreads, I’d never have come
across Blogging or the Lovely Lori L Clark who invited me to be part of the
blog so Thanks Goodreads Creators!!
The Girls I’ll be working with are:
Lori L Clark - http://www.shereadsnewadult.com/
A L Parks - https://twitter.com/almparks2012
Jamie Bodnar Drowley - http://jbodnardrowley.wordpress.com/
TeriLyn - https://twitter.com/TLReads
There is something happened almost every day on
this blog – Cover Reveals, Reviews, Author Interviews, Blog Tours, Giveaways
etc. Check out the Calendar for info (http://www.shereadsnewadult.com/p/calendar.html)
We all love New Adult but have other styles we
like to read (Me – Contemporary Romance, Indie, Young Adult) so check out the “Review
Policy” page for contact details if you wish to send us any books for review/blog
tours/giveaways/interviews etc.
I’ve got the following book reviews coming over
the next month (or so!):
- I Breathe You by Lori L Clark
- Love, Exactly (Sticks & Stones #1) by Cassandra Giovanni
- Take Me Now by Faith Sullivan
- Girl On Tour by Caisey Quinn
- Saving Rain by Karen-Anne Stewart
- Hidden (Hiding from Love #1) by Selena Lawrence (Blog Tour)
- Castles in the Sand by EM Tippetts
- Love In Darkness by EM Tippetts
- I Surrender by Monica James (Blog Tour)
- Remnant Truths by Bill Colella
I also have some AWESOME news being released on
Thursday 1st August but I’m sworn to secrecy until then!!!!
That’s all for now Lovely Readers – Pop by
SheReadsNewAdult soon and have a peek - I'd love your comments! J