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Monday 17 June 2013

Interview: Caisey Quinn [& GIVEAWAY!]

Author Interview: Caisey Quinn



I started reading when I was really young but my utter love for NA/Romance/YA truly began after reading 50 Shades of Grey in May 2012. Since then, I have not stopped reading! Through Amazon discussions, I discovered which, for a few months at least, satisfied my ever growing need for "review before read". Following on from this, I discovered ARC's and thanks to the Wonderful Caisey - I got my first ARC about 2 months ago!

This book was Girl with Guitar [click to read my review].

Girl with Guitar (GWG for short) is a beautifully, sweet novel filled with humor and love. I've stolen the blurb from the author because I'm rubbish at writing condensed versions of anything!


After Kylie’s dad dies in a freak accident, he leaves her with nothing other than her crazy stepmother, Darla, and the ability to play guitar. When Darla kicks Kylie out and she loses her job all in the same day, she hops a bus to Nashville determined to make her late father’s dreams come true. Waitressing and saving her pennies to record a demo, her big break comes when she’s asked to join a tour going down the tubes with once platinum album-selling country music superstar Trace Corbin. But touring with Trace is hardly a dream come true since he’s pretty much drinking his career down the drain. If Kylie can’t pull Trace out of his rut, he’ll pull her and her dreams down with him.

After reading and reviewing this, I've been lucky enough to develop a friendship with Caisey and, last week, she agreed to do an interview for me! In addition to this, she has also donated a copy of GWG for a giveaway!!

So let me begin by giving you a little info on Our Lovely Caisey:

Caisey Quinn lives in a suburb outside of Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, daughter, and other assorted animals. She wears cowgirl boots most of the time, even to church. Girl with Guitar is her first novel. Currently she is working on Girl on Tour, the second book in the Kylie Ryans series. She can be found online at

Thanks for the interview Caisey - You are amazing!!!

1. What inspired you to start writing?

I have written stories for as long as I can remember. Even way back when I was ten and they all ended "And everybody lived happily ever after" or "everybody died."

2. What is your process for writing a book? Do you have rituals, writing times etc? How long does a book ususally take to complete?

I am a crazy person and a firm believer that everyone's process is different. Usually I write down/type up/text into my phone's notes app a synopsis as soon as inspiration hits. Afterwards I make a plot timeline when I have it worked out, though I often don't stick to it. Pretty much I wait until my husband and toddler go to bed and I curl up in my comfy chair with my MacBook and go to town! I am a #nightwriter for sure! The only ritual I have is that I make a chai tea latte before settling in to write. Yum!

One book I wrote took a year and I don't even know that I'll ever publish it. Girl with Guitar took a month to write (it was a NaNoWriMo contest) a first draft and then several months of editing and revising based on critique partners and beta readers suggestions.

3. Do you ever write more than one book at a time?

I do, actually. Sometimes when I get stuck somewhere in one manuscript and need a break from it, I'll work on another one awhile until I feel like I can go back to the original with a fresh perspective.

4. Where did the idea for Girl with Guitar come from?

At a Luke Bryan concert a cousin of a guy in the band that was opening for Luke shared some things that his cousin had told him about opening up for Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert before they were as big as they are now. And before they were an item. Thus my story was born!

5. Do you have a dream cast if Girl with Guitar were ever to be made into a movie?

I do! Click to view:

6. What support network do you have for writing?

An amazing one!! While my family is pretty far removed from my writing life, I have fantastic critique partners (Emily Tippetts and Diane Alberts), writing buddies (Rachel Harris and Elizabeth Lee) and fabulous beta readers as well! I'm also a member of a fantastic little network of writers including the ones named above called Love Junkies: Authors Addicted to Romance. They are all always there to hold my hand, cheer me on, and cheer me up when I need it! Bless them!

7. Will Girl with Guitar be the final installment in this series?

No, it's the first though it could absolutely be read as a standalone. This was done on purpose for readers who just want a Happily Ever After wouldn't have to read anymore of my books unless they absolutely wanted to. For those interested in the rest of Kylie and Trace's story there are two more books, Girl on Tour and Girl in Love that will complete the series. There is a spin off series call The Second Chance Novels but it contains a completely different set of characters.

8. What are your favourite books/authors?

This is a very long list so I'll give you the short one. ;)

Going too Far (and anything really) by Jennifer Echols
Someone Else's Fairytale by E.M. Tippetts
Leave Me Breathless and Breathe Me in by Cherrie Lynn
Actually all the authors listed in Question 6 are my favorites! I was a fan of each of them before I was fortunate enough to call them friends!

I was a high school English teacher in my former life so my heart will always belong to the classics like the Bronte sisters, Hugo, Austen, and pretty much all of the British Romantics!

9. What do your fans mean to you?

Everything. And I don't say that to be glib. Without readers my books would be nothing, my writing career (which is literally my dream come true) would be nothing, and I would be a sad little soul. ;) I love my fans so much and I tell them so every chance I get. I had no idea how people would respond to Kylie and Trace. They're not perfect, but they're something special to me. When people Tweet/FB msg/GR msg, or email me saying they loved the book, loved the characters, etc. it literally makes my whole day/week/life.

Love my fans! I appreciate everyone who gives my book a chance!

Thank you so much for including me in this interview!

Links to Caisey Quinn: 

Purchase Links:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Hey hunn!!

    OMG. What a giveaway<3 Of course, I'm taking part of it! Thank you so much for the opportunity :)

