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Tuesday 11 June 2013

Interview: Jasinda Wilder

Jasinda Wilder

Jasinda Wilder is a Michigan native with a penchant for titillating tales about sexy men and strong women. When she's not writing, she's probably shopping, baking, or reading.
Jasinda is a very accomplished, New York Times Bestselling Author who just happens to have written one of my Favourite Books Ever - Falling Into You. She has also written Big Girls Do It Better Series, Rock Stars do it Harder, The Biker Billionaire Series, Delilah's Diary Series and a Stand Alone Novel - Wounded.

Falling Into You is heart breaking, beautiful and truly outstanding. I can't start talking about it again because I may never stop so my review can be found here.
I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to ask Jasinda some questions - and I can FINALLY get it published today!
1. What inspired you to start writing?

I thought I'd give it a try when I read a book I'd downloaded for free, and went, "huh, I bet I could write a better book than this."

2. What is your process for writing a book? Do you have rituals, writing times etc? How long does a book ususally take to complete?

I come up with an idea and talk it through with my husband, but then I let it sit for awhile. Good book idea are kind of like tea, they need to steep in the back of my head for a while. Then, when I finish one project, I take a few days off of writing and decide what book I'm doing next, and the one after that. I usually have things planned out three or four books out. Like right now, I'm in the process of finishing and publishing Falling Into Us, and I have the next book I'm going to write plotted out, I have the cover, and I have a few main scenes blocked out in my head. After that, I just start writing. There's no ritual or anything. I write in the morning, from about 9 or so till 3 or 4 usually. A book takes about a month to a month a half to write, edit, polish and publish.

3. Do you ever write more than one book at a time?

Not usually. I may work on a scene from the book I'm writing next as a teaser or excerpt, but I typically write one book at a time, especially since I work on a pretty fast time frame.

4. Where did the idea for Falling into You come from?

I knew someone, one of my student's boyfriend, who died much the same way that Kyle did. The idea for the book grew from there, from my own wondering how someone would deal with such an awful, traumatic event.

5. Do you have a dream cast if Falling into You were ever to be made into a movie?

I've always liked Kellan Lutz as Colton and Amanda Seyfried as Nell. I can see Liam Hemsworth as Kyle.

6. Do you ever feel hesitant tackling a subject that to some may seem controversial?

Yes, because you want to do it right. Especially with things like cutting or self-mutilation or domestic abuse, those are such serious and difficult subjects, you really have to be careful how you treat them, but they are a part of life and people deal with them everyday, so they then will eventually make their way into books, as background and motivation and conflict.

7. Will Falling into Us be the final installment in this series?

As of now, yes. Like i said with Falling Into You, I don't want to put the characters through anything else. After this book, those characters' stories has been told. If there is another in that same world/series, it would be like Falling Into Us, as a parallel or connected story of side characters. But, to be clear, I have no plans, nothing planned or plotted, or even any ideas. I have books planned until next year, so I just don't see anything else from this series happening.

8. What are your favourite books/authors?

My favorite authors are my friends, the 9 wonderful ladies I'm in The Indie Voice with, Hugh Howey, Bella Andre…people I admire and whose work inspires me.

9. Which of your books are you most proud of?

I'm proud of all my books. I'm really excited for Falling Into Us. 

Final note from me: I'd just like to say a really big Thank You to Jasinda for taking the time to answer some questions for me. I'm a new blogger and this was an amazing opportunity for me. Thanks Jasinda - YOU ROCK!!


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