Hopeless #1.5
Who Loves Hopeless by Colleen Hoover??

Is that a collective "ME" I can hear being shouted through the computer?! Thought So!!
Well Colleen is publishing Losing Hope on the 9th July 2013...

Which is not that far away (but still AGES AWAY for us Holder Fanatics!haha) So to keep us all going, she has written Hopeless #1.5 which is That First Kiss in Holder's point of view.
This has been published for a good few months (Since December 2012) but I few people I've spoken to have still not read it (or are aware of its existence). So just to cheer you all up on this Almost-But-Not-Quite-The-Weekend Thursday - here is the link.
So find somewhere quiet, shut off from the world for ten minutes and ENJOY some Holder.
**Note - This features Hopeless spoilers so if you have not read Hopeless yet - give this one a miss! Or just read Hopeless...It's great!!)**
*Hopeless Review*
thank you thank you thank you i couln't find the link