**3.5 Caring, Intense Stars**

Blurb:If there’s one thing Madison Lukas understands, it’s pain. The pain she feels when her mother ignores her completely. The pain her best friend endures as her parents starve her as punishment. The pain of a dangerous boy whose mother has to be carried away by law enforcement on a regular basis.
She gets it. She feels the pain of others as if it were her own.
But when a mysterious man claiming to be her long lost brother appears with promises of relieving her suffering, trusting him could reveal more truths than Madison is ready for. Because the truth can hurt, too.
*I was given this book by the Author in exchange for an honest review*
This book covers Madison, a quiet late-teens teenager who goes to School, goes to Work in a Library and hangs with her best friend Kailie. That is her life - normal, quiet, simple.
Enter John.
Her Brother.
Her Brother, the one she didn't know existed.
Her Brother, the Mormon.
This throws Madison's life into a bit of disarray. No, it turns it upside down.
Madison is very grown up for her years, she raises herself as her mother is a wreck of a woman. Ignorant, hurtful, indignant, self-absorbed and just plain mean.
Kailie, Madison's best friend, has a horrible home life. Her family is torn apart due to her Fathers need to control everything.
In the mix of everything is Alex - Military Jacket Wearing, Sexy Looking, troublemaking delinquent who's mother is the local Looney.
This book covers some difficult topics - Child Abuse, Religion, Mental Health Issues and the age old issue of Growing Up. Emily covers these beautifully.
This book made me:
Tear Up
I very much enjoyed this book - my only criticism is the angst and immaturity of Kailie and the irritation of Madison's mothers actions. I got to the "ARRRRRRGH I have to put this book down or I'm going to throw my Kindle away" moment. I do, however, understand why this was needed to make the story believable.
I have the second in this series:Love in Darkness
And plan on reading it soon (Blog Tours, Cover Reveals and Guest Blogging are taking up my precious reading time!)
Author Bio:
Amazon Purchasing Link for Castles on the Sand - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Castles-Sand-...
Amazon Purchasing Link for Love in Darkness - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Darkness...
Amazon Purchasing Link for Love in Darkness - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Darkness...
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